Cats : Body Language and Communication Basics
In general, body language can be broken down into two general categories: distance-increasing and distance-reducing. The posture can indicate an indifference, acceptance, or even desire for interaction, or else the posture can say “don’t come any closer” or even “go away.” For example, a play solicitation posture is a distance-reducing display while a cat standing stiff legged and displaying piloerection (hair standing on end) is clearly requesting an increase in distance.
Cats are famously fastidious and can be seen grooming themselves on a regular basis. The cat’s saliva contains a natural odor neutralizer and that’s why the kitty’s fur smells so fresh after a tongue bath.
Grooming removes dirt, loose hairs, parasites, and other debris. In an outdoor environment, grooming is more than just a cleanliness issue it’s a survival instinct, as discussed earlier, for the cat to rid himself of all scent traces.
Cats will also self-groom as a displacement behavior when they’re anxious or unsure of a situation. Taken to the extreme, some cats can groom themselves so much they create bald patches. There are several underlying medical causes for extreme self-grooming. For example, a cat may overgroom an area that is painful, and certain diseases such as hyperthyroidism can cause overgrooming.
Mutual grooming between cats serves many functions. It’s most often a bonding and social behavior between familiar cats. It can also be used to reinforce status as well as relieve stress. Cats may also groom each other to create one familiar, communal scent. Your cat may also enjoy grooming you and this usually is a very special bonding moment.
Bunting and Rubbing
Using the scent glands on the forehead and face, the cat rubs or nudges his face against you or a companion pet. This behavior is called bunting. As he rubs, he deposits a scent onto the person or animal. This is typically an affectionate behavior and probably has more to do with bonding than marking.
This refers to one cat rubbing against another and is a component of social communication among familiar cats. Allorubbing is usually done by one cat rubbing his flank along the side of another cat. Cats who are friendly to each other may also engage in bunting behavior before or during allorubbing. This behavior is also displayed by cats toward humans.
Piloerection (aka Halloween Cat)
Just about everyone is familiar with this famous defensive posture. The cat arches his back with piloerection of hair. He will also turn sideways and this is all done to appear larger and more threatening to an approaching opponent.
Offensive Aggressive Posture
The cat will be standing stiff-legged to appear as tall and imposing as possible. Piloerection of hair adds to that imposing appearance. The cat will give a direct stare at the opponent. The pupils are constricted. Ears are flattened back and slightly down. The tail position is down but not tucked under the body.
Defensive Aggressive Posture
The cat stands sideways and although his head is facing his opponent, he avoids a direct stare. The tail is usually tucked and he holds his body lower to the ground or raises up and assumes a puffed up stance with piloerection. Pupils are dilated and ears are flattened.
Side Step
In a playful, friendly environment, a cat may solicit a companion to participate in play by standing sideways with a slightly arched back and arched tail. Although the posture is similar to the defensive Halloween cat image, there’s no piloerection, no facial tension, and no desire to fight.
Stomach Exposure
Often misinterpreted to be a request for a tummy rub, stomach exposure is NOT an invitation for you to scratch or pet this most vulnerable area. The exact meaning of a stomach display depends on the specific circumstances. When confronted with an opponent, a cat may roll onto his back as a defensive display.
The message he’s conveying is that he doesn’t want to engage in battle but if the opponent persists, the cat will use all weapons (i.e. teeth and claws). This posture is used in the hope that the opponent will move on. In a relaxed setting, a cat may expose his tummy as he naps or rests and this is truly a sign of ultimate trust and security.
Don’t ruin the moment by attempting to pet him there because it’ll trigger an automatic defensive response. Often a cat may roll onto his back when requesting to play with a companion cat.
This is the milk tread that kittens initially do to stimulate milk flow from the mother’s teats. It’s a behavior that many adult cats retain and display when on an owner ’s lap or on a soft material such as a blanket. It’s a sign of contentment and relaxation.
Slow Blinks
It’s believed by many to be a sign of trust and affection when a cat gives a slow eye blink to an owner or companion cat. Affectionately referred to as cat kisses, you can try giving a slow blink back to your cat.
Ears Flattened Against Head
Depending upon the exact position, and other accompanying body signs, it indicates offensive or defensive aggression. Either way, it’s a sign that your cat shouldn’t be touched.
Airplane Ears
No, this doesn’t mean kitty is getting ready to take off and fly. It refers to the ears being held in a horizontal position that resembles airplane wings. A cat may do this to show agitation and increasing aggression. A cat may also display this with one or both ears if he has an ear infection, ear mites, or another ear discomfort.
Tail Lashing
When the cat starts whipping his tail back and forth it’s an indication of increasing agitation or tension. If you’re petting your cat at that moment, it means it’s time to stop right now. An indoor cat sitting at the window watching an outdoor bird may start swishing his tail back and forth as a way of
displacing all that built-up tension and impatience.
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